Monday, September 23, 2013

Why I coupon

I have an awesome haul to post but first I want to share a few thoughts on couponing. I am amazed at the online drama that comes with couponing. I mean seriously people it is pieces of paper not nuclear weapons. I stay away from the drama. I coupon to save my family money. To me spending $2 on FIVE deodorants makes way more sense than spending $2 on ONE (and yes I got 5 for $2 today). 

I am not trying to be a crazy hoarder just so I can have a bunch of stuff. It's stuff that we use and I know WILL be used eventually. My hubs loves that I coupon. In fact he was the one that convinced me to get back to it after years of taking a break. Couponing may not work for everyone. You may feel its not worth your time. You may not need to save $ for whatever reason. We have 3 kids to raise and anywhere I can cut corners to save some money I am going to. It works for us. :-) 

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