Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Why you should always bring your coupons

Years ago when I did the grocery game I always kept my coupons in their inserts and labeled what date they came out so when I looked at my gg list I could get them easily and then go shopping. I missed out on a lot of deals that way.

Now I clip them and put them into my binder for the simple fact of you never know what you will find. No matter how well you study a store ad there are ALWAYS things marked down and on clearance that you don't know about. Today was one of those days. 

I came across a Vicks 44 clearance cough syrup (exp 8/2014) marked down to $1.50. I flipped to my medications section and I had a $1 off coupon. I tried to find more because I had a $3 off 2 coupon as well but this was the last one. I happily paid $.50 because in winter it is never a question of IF we get sick but WHEN. 

So the lesson of this is if you coupon try to find a way to bring them with you. You could miss out on those savings! 

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